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What Are Safe Pregnancy Workouts?

What Are Safe Pregnancy Workouts?

Casey Stevens

Are you looking for ways to stay fit and active during your pregnancy? Check out these safe and effective pregnancy workouts that you can do at home with no equipment required! You’ll be surprised at how much progress you can make with just a few simple pregnancy safe exercises. Stay healthy and happy during your pregnancy by incorporating some fitness into your daily routine.

So what are the best and safest pregnancy workouts?

There are a few types of exercise that are particularly beneficial during pregnancy. Cardio is a great way to get your heart rate up and keep your body healthy. And weight training can help tone your body and prepare you for labor.

But it’s important to take into account your own individual needs when choosing a workout routine. Talk to your doctor about what types of exercise are safe for you, and be sure to listen to your body as you work out.

If you want to do cardio, choose cardiovascular exercises that are low-impact, like walking, swimming, or cycling. And avoid exercises that involve bouncing or jerking movements, like running or jumping.

When it comes to weight training, start with lighter weights and fewer repetitions, and avoid exercises that require you to lie flat on your back. You can also try prenatal yoga or Pilates, which are both gentle and safe for pregnant women.

Ultimately, the safest and best pregnancy workouts are ones that you feel comfortable doing. So be sure to listen to your body and take it slow. Your health and the health of your baby are the most important things!


This is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints and can be done throughout the pregnancy. It is also a great way to get fresh air and stay active. Walking is great to have in anyone’s fitness routine.


You can swim as a workout during your pregnancy, as long as you feel comfortable doing so. Swimming is a great way to stay active and get some exercise, and the water will help keep you cool. Just be sure not to go into pools that are too deep and to avoid activities like diving.

Weight Training/Resistance Training

Strength training and weight lifting can also be safe and beneficial during pregnancy in moderation. Just make sure that you are using light weights like lightweight dumbbells and opting for exercises that are comfortable for you. You may also want to avoid doing any exercises that put pressure on your abdomen, such as crunches.

You can also add weights to your arms and legs to make a slight increase during activities like yoga or even just while doing laundry or gardening. It might be a light weight but it makes a difference over time. Strength training can also be done with body weight exercises as a pregnancy workout.


Running is also safe to do during pregnancy, as long as you don’t go too fast or too far. Just be sure to take plenty of breaks and drink lots of water. And if you start feeling any pain or discomfort, stop immediately and consult your doctor.

Stationary cycling

Riding a stationary bike can provide a low-impact cardiovascular workout that is easy on the joints. As always, don’t overdo it, and listen to your body.


Rowing is a great way to work the upper body, core and legs, and it’s also low-impact. You can always switch things up here and there and try different things.


A prenatal yoga workout is a popular choice for pregnant women. It can be safe to continue having it in your exercise program throughout your pregnancy. Just avoid any poses that involve lying on your back or twisting your torso.


Similarly, pilates has become a staple pregnancy workout for pregnant women looking to stay fit. It can strengthen core muscles and pelvic floor muscles. Again, just avoid any positions that involve lying on your back.

In general, it’s best to stick to exercises that you are already familiar with. If you are unsure about what exercises are safe for you to do during pregnancy, be sure to consult with your doctor. He or she will be able to consult you best on your individual needs. But, overall, staying active and getting a little exercise during pregnancy is definitely recommended. It can help keep you healthy and comfortable, both physically and mentally.

Low-impact aerobics

Low-impact aerobics classes, such as Zumba or cardio-dance classes, can provide a fun and effective pregnancy workout while being easy on the joints. Dance is a fun moderate intensity aerobic activity and classes are lots of fun and can get you in a good mood with fun music.

Prenatal water aerobics

Prenatal water aerobics classes are some of the best pregnancy exercises as they can provide a low-impact workout that is easy on the joints and can also help to relieve pregnancy-related back pain.


Barre is a low-impact workout that combines elements of ballet, yoga and Pilates, which can be a great way to stay active during pregnancy.

What are workouts to be avoided?

During pregnancy, it is important to avoid certain types of workouts as they may be harmful to both mother and baby. Some examples of workouts to be avoided during pregnancy include:

High-impact exercises. Activities such as running, jumping, and plyometrics can put a lot of stress on the joints and increase the risk of injury.

Contact sports. Sports such as soccer, basketball, and hockey can increase the risk of falling or being hit, which can harm both mother and baby.

Hot yoga. Hot yoga raises the body temperature, which can be harmful to the developing baby. It is also important to avoid any poses that put pressure on the abdominal area, as well as any poses that require balance on one leg.

Scuba diving. The pressure changes and risks associated with scuba diving can be harmful to the developing baby.

Lying on your back after the first trimester. During the second and third trimesters, it is important to avoid exercises that involve lying on your back, as this can reduce blood flow to the uterus and cause discomfort.

Weightlifting. You should avoid lifting heavy weights, as it can cause injury and discomfort. Strength training is great in general but you really need to make sure not to use heavy weights, only light ones, if any.

How much exercise is recommended during pregnancy?

There’s no one answer to this question since every woman is different, but most experts recommend doing at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise three times a week. If you can’t fit in a full workout, try breaking it up into shorter sessions throughout the day. And be sure to drink plenty of water, especially if you’re sweating.

Why you might not want to workout as much or exercise less?

There are a few reasons why you might not want to exercise when pregnant. For one, some women can experience discomfort or even pain during their workouts. Additionally, you might start to feel out of breath more easily as your pregnancy progresses. Also, be aware that your body is going through a lot of changes, and it’s important to listen to it.

If you suffer from different illnesses or deal with things like anemia or gestational diabetes, you might need to skip workouts for a bit or adjust them to make sure they’re safe for you and your baby. Always speak with your doctor before starting a new exercise routine during pregnancy.

A few tips when workout out while pregnant:

  • Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your physical activity as your body gets stronger.
  • Avoid any exercises that require you to lie flat on your back after the first trimester, as this can decrease blood flow to your baby.
  • Make sure you’re well hydrated before, during, and after working out.
  • Wear comfortable workout clothes that can stretch and grow with you.
  • Listen to your body – if something doesn’t feel right, stop doing it! Also keep in mind your own fitness level.

Overall, engaging in safe pregnancy workouts can help to improve overall health, reduce pregnancy-related discomforts and prepare the body for labor and delivery. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any prenatal exercise routine and to listen to your body during pregnancy.

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