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Hospital Bag For Dad Checklist – What To Pack

Hospital Bag For Dad Checklist – What To Pack

Lana Clark

When we think of going to the hospital to deliver our baby we like to pack a hospital bag for the mom to be in advance. It can happen suddenly that we have to get in the car and drive and it is definitely a very good idea to have a bag already packed and ready to go. But we often forget that the dad also needs essentials and a few things are 100% beneficial for an overnight hospital stay to stay comfortable. Therefore, we made a checklist for dads to make it easier and remember what to pack in the hospital bag for dads.

Now, you likely won’t know how long you’ll be staying at the hospital. It can range depending on how fast and easy the labor and delivery is, as well as how the mother and child are doing afterwards. It is good to be prepared for at least a one night stay. If you end up staying longer, worst case a family member or friend could bring extra clothes or the dad can go home to grab a few things.

Dad’s hospital bag as well as mom’s bag should be packed a few days or even better weeks in advance of the due date. The delivery day could come early and you don’t want to scramble all the essentials together minutes before you have to leave. Sure, some last minute items that you might have in use and can just throw in the hospital bag are going to be fine. It does help to have a packing list. So let’s get to it.

Dad’s Hospital Bag Checklist:

  • Toiletries (Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Deodorant, etc.)
  • PJs
    Even if you go to the hospital early in the morning doesn’t mean you might not stay over night in the hospital room.
  • Change of clothes
    You will be there a while. Make sure you have something comfortable to change into.
  • Comfortable shoes and/or slippers
  • Pillow and Blanket
    The hospital sofas/beds for the father are usually not super comfortable but likely will do. To make it a bit more cozy we recommend taking your own pillow or at least a travel pillow and an extra blanket. You won’t be able to adjust the temperature in the room so in case it is cold you might want to bring an extra blanket for yourself.
  • Healthy snacks & Water bottle
  • Phone & Phone charger
    Usually we all have our phones on us but don’t forget the charger, too! If you want to let family members or friends know what is going on, your phone better be charged.
  • Laptop bag with laptop/tablet and charger
    Especially for longer stay this might be an essential. You can watch some of your favorite shows together while baby is sleeping.
  • Camera & Camera charger
    As a new dad you’ll likely want to take a bunch of photos of your little one to document the first moments or day.
  • Portable speaker
    Make the room more cozy with your favorite Spotify playlist. You could even create a new one ahead of time just for the first hours of holding your baby in your arms.
  • Some loose change or small bills for hospital vending machines
  • Paperwork/Documentation
    You’ll want to make sure you have your ID, insurance information, maybe a contact list for emergencies with you.
  • Medication
    Of course, if you have to take any medication or supplements you should have it in your bag. It is also always a good idea to have some Advil just in case of a headache.
  • Glasses/Contact lenses
    If you wear glasses or contacts, make sure to pack them and if needed contact lens solution or an extra pair of glasses.

Extras to consider bringing in your hospital bag:

  • Massage oil
    The labor and delivery process takes a lot out of moms and a foot massage might be a really thoughtful idea. Of course this depends on what makes mama comfortable but it is a nice gesture.
  • Handheld fan
    Great if it is hot in the room or your partner is feeling hot during or after a long labor.
  • Push present
    This is not something everyone does but if you have a present for the big day you can pack it to give at the hospital.

To all the mamas to be reading this: Make sure that partner’s hospital bag is packed as well as yours! You can of course add some of mom’s or baby’s necessities in dad’s bad if there is more room.

If there is still enough time before baby’s arrival and you’re looking for a great size hospital bag for dads, take a look below. A duffle bag is a good idea since it fits a lot. A diaper bag is also perfect if it fits all your essentials and a few baby essentials for the beginning. (Even though the hospital will also usually provide a lot to begin with)

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