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Games To Play On Facetime With Kids, Family, Friends

Games To Play On Facetime With Kids, Family, Friends

Casey Stevens

We all have people we don’t see as often as we might wish we did. Grandkids, parents, close friends, a partner during long distance, or other loved ones. Facetime games to play during a video call are great to bring more fun and change things up every now and then. We love playing games when we’re together, maybe do a game night, but who’s to say we can’t still do this while we’re miles apart?

First, let’s look at the best facetime games you can play without an app or website, maybe just pen and paper and yourself.


This classic word-guessing game is perfect for kids of all ages. One player thinks of a word or phrase, and the other players have to guess the letters until they can figure out the word. You can use a virtual whiteboard or a shared document to play. You can play as many rounds as you want and make it easier for younger children.


This is a great game for kids who like to act and can be a fun facetime game. One player acts out a word or phrase, while the other players try to guess correctly what it is. You can use a shared document to keep track of the words and phrases that have been guessed.

20 Questions

One player thinks of an object, and the other players take turns asking yes or no questions to try and figure out what it is. This game is great for kids who like to think critically and use logic.


You can play trivia on any topic, whether it’s history, science, or pop culture. One player asks a question, and the other players have to answer as quickly as possible. This game is great for kids who like to learn new facts and test their knowledge. It is great fun to play on facetime.


This fun game is similar to charades, but instead of acting out a word or phrase, players have to draw it. One player draws a picture, while the other players try to guess what it is. You can use a pen and paper to draw or use a digital whiteboard (look below for apps and websites for games including this drawing game).

Scavenger Hunt

This game can be played in person or remotely. One player creates a list of items or tasks that the other players have to find or complete. This game is great for kids who like to explore and be active. If you have a family members or someone to help plan it ahead of time it works even better than relying on general things you know are in the home at all times.

Simon Says

You probably know this game. When you play Simon Says, one player is Simon, and the other players have to follow their commands. The catch is that Simon only gives commands when they say “Simon says.” If Simon gives a command without saying “Simon says,” players who follow it are out.

Would You Rather

This game is great for kids who like to think about different scenarios. One player asks a “would you rather” question, and the other players have to choose which option they would prefer. This can also be fun when you’re trying to figure out a gift or just learning more about their interests.


This game is great for kids who like to use their imagination. One player starts a story, and the other players take turns adding to it. You can use a shared document to keep track of the story.


This classic game can be played with a virtual board or using pen and paper. One player is X, and the other player is O. Players take turns placing their symbol on the board, trying to get three in a row.

If you’re looking for apps or websites to use to play some games here are some great options:

Heads Up!

This popular party game can be played over Facetime or Zoom video chat. One player holds the phone or tablet up to their forehead, while the other players give clues to help them guess the word or phrase on the screen.

Trivia Crack

This trivia game can be played with friends and family over Facetime or Zoom. You can play in teams or individually, answering questions on a variety of topics.


Pictionary is a very entertaining game that can be played online on, which includes a virtual whiteboard for drawing. You can create a private room and invite people with a link. To play, the first person chooses a word and can begin drawing, then players can take turns drawing and guessing, just like in the traditional game. It’s one of our favorite facetime games!


Drawful is a game similar to Pictionary, but players can use many different devices to draw. Players take turns drawing and guessing, with the host keeping score. You have to pay for it but sometimes there are discounts and it depends on how often you play if it is worth it to you.


This classic, simple word game can be played with family and friends over a Zoom or Facetime video call using an app or on Players take turns creating words on a virtual board.

Jigsaw Puzzle

Jigsaw Puzzles are fun and you can even do it together while being far away with websites like This way can play together over Facetime or Zoom. One person chooses the puzzle and shares their link, so all players can work together to solve the puzzle. You can also choose how many pieces you want the puzzle to have.


Uno is a popular card game you’re probably familiar with. It is the perfect game that can be played with multiple friends over Facetime or Zoom using the Uno app or on a website like In this simple game, players take turns matching the cards in their hand with the cards in the middle of the virtual table.


With a chess app, you can play chess over Facetime or Zoom with friends. You can play in real time, or even set up a game where you play your move and then wait for your friend to play theirs. Our favorite websites are and

These are of course only some of the fun games you can play over video calls. We think these are great but you can even try a classic board game. Board games might just take more time and one person needs to move pieces and maybe roll the dice for the person on the other end. Have a look at board games for 3 year olds.

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